from the desk of

Dr. Lisa

What is a Psychologist?!
What is the difference between a life coach, art therapist, pastoral counselor, mental health counselor, social worker, and psychiatrist?
February 12, 2025
Guest Blog: Dear Parent, You are Doing Great
As a teacher, what I am concerned the most with is if the kids in my class feel safe and loved and as long as that is the case you are succeeding as a parent. Please take it easier on yourselves, you are doing great.
February 21, 2019
Postpartum Life
People think that having a baby should be the happiest time in your life but for many the stress can out weigh the joy.
February 21, 2019
Women’s Pain is Present in Her Body
Most of the women I work with, whether they come in for trauma, anxiety, depression, stress, or grief, also have headaches and chronic pain in their shoulders, back, stomach, and/or hips.
February 21, 2019
Self-Care in the Workplace
Organizations need healthy and focused employees. It is therefore imperative that as work cultures become even more competitive and demanding organizations invest in finding ways to create self-care oriented work spaces.
February 21, 2019
Self-Esteem and Media
Is there a way to still enjoy the entertaining aspects of social media while maintaining or building upon your own positive sense of self?
February 21, 2019